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Erica is a gifted artist, healer and creator. Her intuition is so strong and her deep connection to her own power and Spirit is manifest in everything she does.


-Linda Zucker

For me, there has been nothing more empowering than taking charge of my own healing and happiness.  And that’s exactly what I hope to inspire in my clients.  Healing is unique and individual, each recipe is specific to the soul who is doing the work. 


To me, a healer isn’t someone who waves a magic wand and "fixes what may be broken"...  A healer is someone who holds space, aids in moving energy and when called to, assists in excavating the shadows that are ready to come to light.

















Shamanic practitioners are sometimes called Wounded Healers.  By living life, experiencing trauma, facing death... at minimum achieving some scrapes, bruises and scars, we are given opportunities to learn and grow. In this, we are able to shine a light, helping illuminate the path forward, and offering a hand of assistance any who find their own way into those situations.  It is only by living my own life that I am able to cultivate experiences and alchemize them into healing, and it's my greatest wish to hold space for others to do the same.



















My sessions are all organic. I begin by speaking to my client, and then journeying to my helping spirits to find where the work is to begin.  I have varied training and I pull from all of these modalities, as called.


I am a reiki practitioner, and always use this practice as the foundation for my work.  I am an animist, and am drawn to those practices of the original peoples who were so in touch with the the beings and cycles of nature. I incorporate Celtic and Norse animistic practices, as well as the shamanic practices of the Americas. I have the honor of being a sacred pipe carrier, following the Cree tradition. I am also a breathwork facilitator, and often use breathing as a way to encourage my client to deepen into the work before us, to open and connect with their own energy and healing. Various sound healing techniques such as drumming, rattling, and chanting are included as well. 


This work can focus on people, living and deceased; pets; and also homes or locations.  I offer healings, ceremonies, house/ space clearings, and more. More details about these offerings can be found on the following "Services" tab, but please email me with any questions.


It's my ultimate goal to help my clients recognize their own light, to remember the fullness and magnificence of their own power, and to witness their walk towards their greatest health, happiness and magic.

You are embraced by the love of the universe and the helping spirits.  Open your heart to the love, wisdom, and healing they have to share.  In doing this, you can not only change your own life, but the changes in consciousness we can achieve together through shamanic journeying can transform the world as well.

Sandra Ingerman 

Photography by Melodee Solomon
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