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/ˈamyələt/, noun

an ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease

Amulet tattoos are ceremonial tattoos, created through an intuitive, meditative process involving a shamanic journey and channeled information.


The session opens with a conversation about the client's intention for their Amulet (examples may be such things as protection, increased connection to Spirit, energy-mindfulness, self-love, etc). The client then will lie down and relax while I rattle and enter the journey to retrieve the elements for their tattoo, as revealed by my guides.  Upon completing this journey, I then create a number of stylized symbols or sigils all based on the elements revealed to me in the journey.


The client will be able to review the designs and choose the one that speaks to their heart.  The placement is chosen, and upon the application of the tattoo, the energy is activated.


At the completion of the tattoo, I offer a concentrated shamanic reiki healing session, focusing specifically on the highest chakras, and the site of the tattoo. The tattoo will be charged with reiki energy.  Closing the ceremony will be sound healing, using a mixture of drumming, rattling, and chanting. 


This sigil or Amulet is a symbol which will serve as a private reminder of the client's intention, and the prescribed medicine from Spirit.


Each session is unique.

Please feel free to write with any questions: 




Receiving an Amulet tattoo from Erica Flannes was one of the most beautiful, unique and empowering healing rituals I've ever experienced.

- Christopher Carlone

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